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Our Founder and Head Coach

Hello, I am Coach D.J., founder and head coach of PHIT 3 Health and Fitness.

Like many of you, my journey to a healthy life and body has been a long one.

It began at 10 years old when I was enrolled in a martial arts program where I excelled and became an instructor at the age of 16. Proficient in 6 separate arts.

After high school, I joined the military.

From 10 years old until my discharge from the services, my life and my job were to remain fit and combat ready at all times.

The decade after discharge was very different.

With the physical changes of age and the social changes of civilian life.

Working multiple jobs, with the easiest choices being fast food and food trucks,

Where once I could not break 150 pounds, no matter how much I lifted weights, I now found myself a very unhealthy 300 pounds.

When this realization hit me and HIT me it did. I was majoring in Deaf Education when I realized that I had a little more time to concentrate on myself and my health.

I spent the next year doing the workouts that were once so important to my wellbeing.

 I also scoured the internet and tried every diet I could find.

Finally, I found myself back to a sleek 165 pounds having concentrated on building lean muscle mass.

Unfortunately, due to the macro nutrient imbalances of these diets, I soon had to have surgery to remove my gallbladder.

With this realization I decided to educate myself to maintain and elevate my health for life.

In this pursuit I have accumulated multiple levels of education and certifications, including:

  • ​Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer

  • Youth Exercise Specialist

  • Senior Fitness Specialist

  • ISSA DNA Based Fitness Coach

  • Precision Nutrition Certified Nutrition Coach

  • And many others including several Life Coaching certifications.

In the decade since I began helping others in their journeys, I have been blessed with helping hundreds of clients reach their goals, improve their health, inspire their loved ones and improve their lives. This includes young and old, women and men, mothers and fathers. Persons recovering from strokes, fighting Parkinson’s, pre and post surgeries for knee replacements, hip replacements, people wishing to improve their mobility, or to move without pain, person’s wishing to lose or gain weight, athletes, and so many more.

I have been able to help many fitness competitors at various levels of the Bodybuilding sport win NPC competitions including Bikini, Women’s Wellness, and Men’s Physique. With multiple overall champions being among those

I am excited to now be at the forefront of DNA based fitness science. This innovative new knowledge takes so much of the trial and error out of the science of helping the individual and creating the programs that work for each person’s unique body and physiology!

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